I'm an ambitious Software Engineer at the Helmholtz Institute Berlin. I succcessfuly defended my PhD thesis, my research was mainly focused on utilizing modern control software tools to enhance our understanding of various aspects of the Silicon Tracking System in the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment. Before joining the STS group, I completed both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Nuclear Power Engineering at the University of Warsaw.

Experimental physicist, control systems and instrumentation expert, nuclear power engineering graduate
- Birthday:7 June 1993
- Website:https://marcelbajdel.bss.design/
- City:Berlin, Germany
- Age:30
- Degree:PhD
- Email:mbajdel@gmail.com
- Freelance:Available
Welcome to my skills section! Here you'll find a comprehensive list of the technical and soft skills I have developed throughout my education, work experience, and personal interests.
Marcel Bajdel
Experienced researcher with an experience with data/large data acquisition and processing. The scope of my work so far focused on the automation and control of different experimental setups using python, C++, Labview, and PLCs. Skilled in data visualization, reporting, and presenting.
- Darmstadt, Germany
- mbajdel@gmail.com
PhD Candidate
2019 -2023
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
Development of Detector Control System andImplementation for the Silicon Tracking System in theCompressed Baryonic Matter experiment under supervision of prof. J. Stroth (Goethe University) and prof. H.R.Schmidt (Tuebingen University).
Master's degree
2016 - 2018
University of Warsaw
Physical aspects of the implementation of thorium in PWR reactors under supervision of dr. hab. Agnieszka Korgul (UW), dr. Krzysztof Adnrzejewski (NCNR) and Łukasz Koszuk (NCNR).
Bachelor's degree
2012 - 2015
University of Warsaw
Calculation of decay heat in dependence on working time and power of the nuclear reactor under supervision of dr. hab. Marek Karny (UW).
Professional Experience
10.2023 -
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, hybrid
- We are revolutionizing automation with ROCK-IT project focusing on fully autonomous agents for catalysis experiments.
05.2023 - 08.2023
Apziva, remote
- Working on designing, and implementing machine learning models on various projects coming from organizations from all around the world ranging from various fields of AI such as natural language processing, computer vision, deep learning, and others
PhD researcher
2019 -2023
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
- Development of EPICS based containerized detector control system for the mSTS at the mCBM experiment
- Implementation of the control system for various R&D setups
- Development and design of a redundant humidity monitoring system for a particle detector
CBM Collaboration Member, STS
2019 -2023
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
- complex problems solving and data oriented decision making
- experience with ASICs and FPGA based data acquisition systems
- operation and automation of commercial cooling devices - climatic chambers, chillers,
- instrumentation development (temperature, humidity sensors etc.)
Specialist Researcher and technician
07.2015 - 06.2016
- Measurements of radioactive samples with HPGe detector
- Data analysis
- Development of python based software for gamma spectrum analysis
07.2019 - 08.2019
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
- Experimental Measurement of the LEvle of TRansmutation and Neutron Flux Density in Subcritical Nuclear Reactors ADS
- Data analysis from QUINTA experiment
- Radioactive sources measurements with HPGe detector
- Participation in experiments on PF-1000 device
Welcome to my portfolio! Here, you'll find a curated selection of my best work, showcasing my skills and creativity. Enjoy exploring!
- All
- Physics
- Data science
- AI